Saturday, June 4, 2011

At Dawson Creek

June 1, 2011

I left Gunn, Alberta and made Dawson Creek, British Columbia for the night. At the Provincial Line between Alberta and British Columbia I stopped to take pictures of the welcome signs. Coming into Alberta I hadn't taken a picture. I wasn't sure if the customs agents would want me to stop and take their picture. As I was walking back from that I could see the right trailer tire had lost some air. I couldn't have asked for a better place for that to happen than in the turnout. I change both tires and, using the chain and floor jack, rebent the axle to align the new tires and wheels. That leaves me with one unused spare and one used spare. My rough guess is that the first set had gone about 8 thousand miles. I should be okay.

This Mile "0" Campground has good wifi speed and I want to get my blog caught up to date before I start up the Alaska Highway.

Jeff Judge was in the campsite next to me. He is in the Air Force and he and his family are traveling to his new duty station in Louisiana. They have been in Alaska for the past four years and he gave me some pointers and suggested I pick up a copy of the MilePost.

June 2, 2011

It was beautiful today near 80 degrees and I worked on the blog did laundry and picked up a copy of the MilePost. Basically a log book of the routes in Alaska, B.C., Alberta,and the Yukon that tells you what to expect nearly every mile of the way. It lets you take (plan) a trip from your armchair and has an online version too. A very good 30 dollar investment.

June 3,

It rained most of the night and started snowing by daybreak. Cold and snow till late evening.

Late last night two motorcycle riders came in. Heading for Prudhoe Bay, I asked them why, thinking work. Because it is there was the answer.

This morning I asked them where their spare tires were. They had shipped them ahead and were waiting for them in Fairbanks. Okay! I'm not worried for them anymore but if I find them in trouble along the way I'll help however I can.

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